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membru din 1 February 2010

Convorbire cu Avril

Am vorbit cu Avril. Uitati convorbirea:

Avril Lavigne: heey sorry 'cuz i was off .
Avril Lavigne: do you like that picture ?
Bianca: of course
Avril Lavigne: you are from romania ?
Bianca: yes
Avril Lavigne: cool .
Bianca : will you come in romania ?
Avril Lavigne: i don't know ...
Avril Lavigne: i want to , i think there are a lot of fans ... but i gotta work at my album ...
Avril Lavigne: maybe next year .
Bianca: yes
Bianca: i understand
Bianca: in Bravo magazine write that you will lansate your album in this summer
Avril Lavigne: do you like my new song ? Alice ?
Avril Lavigne: yeah !
Bianca: Alice in Wonderland
Bianca: yes !
Avril Lavigne: .
Bianca: it's cool
Avril Lavigne: hard work ...
Bianca: i think so
Bianca: and...do you have a page on YouTube
Bianca: ?
Avril Lavigne: yes i do
Avril Lavigne: wait a minute .
Bianca: ok
Avril Lavigne: www.youtube.com/user/avrillavigne?blend=1&ob=4&rclk=cti
Bianca: do you got a friend on YouTube named Hannah7578 ?
Avril Lavigne: there are lots of videos with black star ...
Avril Lavigne: idk
Avril Lavigne: i've got a lot of friends there
Bianca: i know this page, i see it already ! i send to you a friendship-message, and i am Hannah7578 !
Barbu Bianca Andreea:
Bianca: yes, i'm your friend on YouTube, cuz' i got you in friend list !
Avril Lavigne: i think i got it .
Avril Lavigne: yea
Bianca: you pay for the texture of your channel, no ? all the stars got this
Avril Lavigne: i've got a designer
Avril Lavigne: i don't know anything about desing on youtube
Avril Lavigne: they do all my job .
Bianca: wowyzowy
Bianca: i think it's cool to be a famous singer...
Avril Lavigne: yeah ! it's a lot of fun
Avril Lavigne: but the paparazzi ruined it !
Bianca: yes, paparazzi are everywhere
Avril Lavigne: thats why i changed soo much
Avril Lavigne: from brunette to blonde , from blonde to brunette again
Avril Lavigne: kind of brunette
Bianca: i am brunette, i got 11 years
Avril Lavigne: ooh . soo cute !
Bianca : um...thanx
Avril Lavigne: woow , you know english soo good !
Avril Lavigne: respect >.< .
Bianca: thanx veru much. i love to talk english and when i grow up, when i'l be adult, i'l go to America and i'l move there
Bianca: very
Avril Lavigne: woo hoo !
Bianca: i got big dreams
Avril Lavigne: i've already got my dream come true
Avril Lavigne: ok sweetie . i gotta go . see ya' next time
Avril Lavigne: bye bye
Bianca: ok
Bianca: i love u !
Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne

Comentarii album • 2
:)bizzo 12 February 2010  
DadaDA de unde stia ca esty din romania ca doar vb engleza?
TheHiltonHotel 20 February 2010  
fiindca inainte sa postez convorbirea asta am mai schimbat 2 cuvinte cu ea mai inainte cu vreo 2 ore, si am uitat sa postez si partea aia
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